Publicaties - Mobiliteitspanel Nederland

92 publicaties over Mobiliteitspanel Nederland

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  1. Latent classes of daily mobility patterns: The relationship with attitudes towards modes

    Gepresenteerd tijdens het MPN symposium 2018 door Danique Ton, Delft University of Technology.

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018

  2. Assessing Car Dependence: Development of a Comprehensive Survey Approach Based on the Concept of a Travel Skeleton

    Gepresenteerd tijdens het MPN symposium 2018 door Sascha von Behren, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018

  3. Travel preferences and travel behaviour in a world with MaaS

    Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a new transport concept in which existing and new mobility services are integrated into one ...

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018 | Lucas Harms, Anne Durand

  4. Geographical distances between separated parents: A longitudinal analysis

    Gepresenteerd tijdens het MPN symposium 2018 door Michael Thomas, University of Groningen.

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018

  5. Introduction MPN Symposium 2018

    Introduction to the MPN symposium 2018.

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018 | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, Krisje Wijgergangs, Mathijs de Haas

  6. Is active travel a stable physical activity behaviour? Evidence from the German Mobility Panel

    Walking and cycling—active travel—can help adults achieve the World Health Organization’s recommended 150+ minutes of ...

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018

  7. User characteristics and trip patterns of e-bike use in the Netherlands

    The sale of electrically assisted bicycles (e-bikes or pedelecs) is growing at a rapid rate across Europe. Within Europe, the ...

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018

  8. Dynamics in travel behaviour: who changes mode, why and when? A longitudinal analysis of mode choice behaviour in the Netherlands

    Due to burgeoning economy, by 2022 traffic congestion is expected to have increased by 9 percent and travel delays by 28 percent, ...

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018 | Marie-José Olde Kalter

  9. Surveys with smartphone, laptop or tablet: mixed devices and mode effects in the MPN

    Web-based surveys are nowadays by definition mixed-mode surveys: respondents use various devices to administer the online survey. ...

    Presentatie | 10-04-2018 | Toon Zijlstra

  10. De omvang en het effect van het gebruik van mobiele apparaten in een longitudinale studie

    Tussen 2013 en 2016 groeide het aantal respondenten dat vragenlijsten invult via een smartphone in het Mobiliteitspanel Nederland ...

    Paper | 23-11-2017 | Toon Zijlstra, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, Krisje Wijgergangs